6. **!VB This well worn arete is also the downclimb.
7. **!V2R A cool low mantle near the seam to a slab and heady top out.
8. V3? Stand start the arete with frustrating bad feet.
9. *!V0 Take the crimpy face into the arete.
10. !!V5? A crimpy line with a lichen covered scary hard top out.
11. V6?
The Dyno Traverse the rail right to a dyno, then up.
30. V11?
The Moffit Problem Stand start in the shallow groove on tiny crimps and head up.
12. ***V4
Bear Hug Stand start on the good holds and squeeze you way up the arete then swing to the right side of it and top out.
12a. V8?
3am at Denny's Same line, but from the sit start.
12b. V? From bear hug head up, but after falling into the dish head out left.
13. V1? Head up the Triangular face without using the aretes.
14. V0? The arete so I hear.
15. V2? Traverse the slab.
16. **!V1 Head up the left side of the arete.
17. ****! V0+R Head up the well featured arete then as you near the top escape right.
18. **V1 Start in the crack then head up the face just right of the arete.
18a. **!V2? Traverse the crack into #20
20. ***V1 Fun lieback crack.
36. V? A confounding variant of #20
35. V? I've seen chalk here, but that might have just been a joke.
21. V1? A seam climb I've never tried.
29. V? Bring your balance for this tricky slab. Start on a good right foot and a high bulge and crimp.
22. V1? A hard stand start.
23. V11?
Physics Project SDS on the undercling for bear hugger then head left into the sidepull and out to the slopey bulge and end on #22.
24. ***V5
Bear Hugger SDS on the undercling and the arete and head up. This problem is well worth doing.
25. ***!V2R
Corridor Left a high cool slab/face climb with a scary heel crushing fall behind you. Good times
26. !!V4R?
Corridor Middle right facing holds to a shallow groove. I chickened out.
28. V4R?
Corridor Right The start is hard enough and the landing bad enough that I don't want to know what's up there.

Split Rock Boulder